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Mike lowrey fortnite, Fortnite officially adds Will Smith Bad Boys skin

Mike lowrey fortnite - At long last, Will Smith has finally made his way into Fortnite. After a series of leaks and rumors emerged earlier this month indicating that the image of the world-renowned actor would soon reach the popular Battle Royale shooter, Epic Games made the move official tonight when they formally made the Smith mask. was available in the Item. Shop.

As we expected, this aspect associated with Smith is not actually based on his real life me. Instead, he is modeled after Mike Lowrey, who is the character Smith played in the Bad Boys film franchise. “Mike Lowrey is a great customer. Whether he's involved in explosive action or a high-speed chase, he's always undeniably calm. And now, the South Beach detective is heading to Fortnite, "Epic Games said on its website about adding the character to the game.

Mike lowrey fortnite, Fortnite officially adds Will Smith Bad Boys skin

While Lowrey's actual skin is probably the most notable thing that Fortnite players will now be looking to use, he is not the only item associated with the character that has made its way into the game. Additionally, Lowrey also comes with a Back Bling piece known as Detective’s Duffle. Essentially, it's just a pretty standard bag that features handcuffs and an attached assault rifle. Lowrey also has his own unique pick, known as Loose Cannon Cutters. This item resembles a pair of knives that Lowrey (and other characters) can use in place of a standard pickaxe.

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As mentioned, Lowrey's addition to Fortnite has been made official as of this point, which means you should be able to see him for sale in the Item Shop right now. Whether you play on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, or mobile, Lowrey should be available for purchase for a limited time from now on.

So what do you think about this Will Smith / Mike Lowrey look? Are you going to get it yourself? Let me know in the comments or send me a message on Twitter at @ MooreMan12.

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