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Power of the radar dishes fortnite, How and where to turn off the power of the radar dishes fortnite

Shut down power to radar dishes fortnite - We are now into the final week of Fortnite, and the end-of-season event will take place at the end of the season live in-game on September 12. You have a few days where you can complete the week 14 legendary challenge that has six different stages.


Power of the radar dishes fortnite, How and where to turn off the power of the radar dishes fortnite

One of the stages that you will need to complete this week is to turn off the power to the radar antennas and to complete the challenge, you must turn off the power to two of the antennas. We will show you how and where to complete this challenge.

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How To shut down power to radar dishes in Fortnite

Radar dishes have been in the game since the beginning of the season and can be easily detected when you jump out of the battle bus as they have a red light emitting from the top. Here's a map showing the seven plate locations.

Power of the radar dishes fortnite, How and where to turn off the power of the radar dishes fortnite

Since the challenges have been activated, you will notice that there is a power supply that you can see at the base of where the radar antennas are located, as seen in the image below. To complete the challenge, all you have to do is interact with him.

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You will need to close the supply to two plates and the easiest and fastest way to do that will be to land on a plate, get a car and then travel to the closest one or just land in one place, turn off the supply and then go out and enter another match and land at a different radar antenna location. Once you have completed the challenge, you will be awarded 30,000 Easy XP.

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