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Destroy fireplace fortnite : Where to destroy a fireplace in Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park in Fortnite

How to destroy a fireplace in fortnite -  Destroy a chimney at Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park. This is a fairly straightforward search, but it can be a hassle to find where the chimneys are in each of these cities.

Destroy fireplace fortnite : Where to destroy a fireplace in Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park in Fortnite

While any of the locations shown below will work, it is easier to complete this mission in Lazy Lake as there are three chimneys. However, Lazy Lake is a popular drop point at the beginning of any match, so you may want to go to Steep Cliffs if you hope to complete this mission without a fight.


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Destroy fireplace fortnite : Where to destroy a fireplace in Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park in Fortnite

When you go to one of the mission cities, you can usually find a fireplace quite easily if you look at which houses have fireplaces. However, this can be misleading as there are many houses (especially in Pleasant Park with a fireplace but no fireplace). See the list below for more details on where to find the fireplaces checked above.

1. Holly hedges

  • At the house in the northwest corner of town.
  • In the house in the southeast corner of town.

2. Nice park

  • In the second house on the southwest corner of town.
3. Steep cliffs
  • In the abandoned house on the cliff overlooking the village.
4. Lazy lake
  • In the three houses that are all in the northwest corner of the city.

Once you have destroyed one of the aforementioned chimneys, the mission is complete! Now you are ready to move on to the second mission.

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