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How to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite || How to activate wolf scent fortnite

How to activate wolf scent fortnite - A new set of Fortnitemares missions have arrived in the game following the release of update 22.20. One of the quests requires you to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active. As this is a new feature in Fortnite, many players find it difficult to complete this quest. With that said, we will show you how to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite.


How to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite || How to activate wolf scent fortnite

How to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite

How to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite || How to activate wolf scent fortnite

The first step in completing this task is to get a pair of Howling Claws. If you didn't know, this is a special item available exclusively during the Fortnitemares 2022 event' island. However, we recommend depositing at Reality Trees as this POI still has an Alter Alter.


How to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite || How to activate wolf scent fortnite

Once you stand on it, an option to perform the ritual emote will appear on the screen. Just hit the interact button right after to perform the emote. Once the emote is complete, you will receive the Screaming Claws and special abilities.

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How to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite || How to activate wolf scent fortnite


Once you have Howling Claws equipped, wait for the Wolfscent ability to finally charge up. You can check the meter on the left side to see how much charge is left. Once the Wolfscent ability is charged, get close to an opponent and press the button displayed on the left side of the screen to activate the ability. Finally, defeat an opponent while Wolfscent is active to complete the challenge.

Howling Claw Skills Explained

  • Wolfscent Ability: The Wolfscent ability gives you tracking vision, repeatedly marking enemies in a close radius. If there are no enemies within the radius, the Wolfscent ability will immediately go on cooldown.
  • Slash Ability: With the Slash ability, players can show no restrictions and perform a four combo melee attack.
  • Air Slash Skill: With the Air Slash skill, one can perform a double jump that damages opponents upon landing.

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So here it is. That's all you need to know to hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active in Fortnite.

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